About The Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club Foundation
The mission of the Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club Foundation is to support organizations, projects, and other initiatives that promote education and community service and that exemplify the object of Rotary International.
In 1984, the Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club established a 501c3 charity Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club Foundation. EIN 33-0039458
The continuing support for awards and additions to the endowment are provided on an annual basis by the Rotary Club and its many friends. The Club Foundation is an exempt Section 501(c3) organization, and all donations to the Club Foundation are tax deductible.
Tustin Lobsterfest
The Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club raises money for the Club Foundation through our annual Tustin Lobsterfest Fund Raiser and the income generated from the original endowment to the foundation.
High School Scholarships
Each year, the TSA Rotary Club Foundation awards up to 8 High School students from the 4 TUSD High Schools, with scholarships of up to $1,000. The Foundation has provided funding for many local and international service projects and programs with volunteers from the Tustin Santa Ana Rotary Club and the local community.
Community Service Grants
From time to time, our Foundation also grants special community service grants to local non-profit groups who exemplify “Service Above Self”. Click Here to download a community Service grant application.
Hauser-Baick Medical Scholarship
Each Spring, University Students in the Medical Field may apply for a Medical Scholarship through the Hauser-Baick Medical Scholarship,