Scholarship Application

WARNING: We highly recommend you complete the form below on a Tablet, Desktop or Laptop Computer.

Gerry Aust High School Scholarship Application

Applications are now open for 2025

Read the complete application instructions before proceeding

Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted for consideration.

    Student Information:



    First Name


    Last Name


    email Address


    Best Number to contact you


    Home Address




    City, State


    ZIP code


    Current School information:

    Name of TUSD School you attend now


    Staff Member Contact name


    Staff Member Role


    Your Current Grade



    Tell us about some of your
    community service activities, and
    highlights of your high school


    Do you think community service should be a
    requirement or should not be a requirement
    to graduate from high school?
    (No more than 350 words):


    Desired Higher Education:

    Name of Schools you want to attend


       Have you been Accepted?

    Intended Major (if known)


    Why do you want to attend
    these schools?:


    Your Parent or Guardian information:

    Parent/Guardian name(s)


    Parent/Guardian email


    Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number